Why am I writing these contemplative conversations? Well, I hope that some of the themes I write about might resonate with someone, and that it may give food for thought or even better food for action!
I didn’t talk much as a kid, I was scared to use my voice around people, shy was the word used. So now is my time to talk, this space will be used for the things I want to say, that I never thought I could, or would or should.
Here is quick overview of some things I have done and some things I do now. Some were endured, some enjoyed but all lived. I don’t believe they are me or make up who I am, but are things that have happened along the way. (not going to use the word journey)
Childhood Sundays were religious, now I relate to spirituality not religion; educated, a Degree a long long time ago and more recent a Diploma and Masters in Therapeutic Arts Practice, co-created a 20 year relationship, then divorced, now partnered with a very awesome human; created 4 beautiful amazing children, a bereaved parent; use art making to process difficult stuff; love the sun and the beach, then and now; didn’t read much as a kid, now love to read; used to run and now do not; enjoy solitude time; and have loved a beautiful samoyed for the past 11 years. Sounds a bit like a dating app profile, swipe left!!
There are some labels to describe different roles I maintain in different relationships, these include but are not limited to Therapeutic Arts Practitioner (AThR), a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a mother, a bereaved mother, a partner, a friend, an artist, a writer, a yogi, a dancer. There are many more depending on the day, actually no, depending on the moment, but these are not who I really am……..
I am a ball of energy, a life force if you will, the same spirit that is in everything, the trees, the sky, the ocean, the universe, that is what is at my core. Pure expansive love, in ecstatic motion. Perhaps this bit would be a better dating app profile!! Who wouldn’t want to hang out with pure love in ecstatic motion! Am I right?