Are all facts arbitrary? Are they subjective depending on the perspective by which it is viewed?
Fact – something presented as having objective reality. A thing or an occurrence that actually exists or has happened. Facts hinge on evidence.
For me a fact is something I have experienced directly. How I see things is often going to be different to what others see or experience. There are many things that are fact for me but others would view as a belief. My beliefs then, create my objective reality. There are also things and events that I have not experienced directly but I have been told they are fact. I was taught to accept the facts at school and work. But should be just accept the “facts” as my truth?
Each person sees the world through their lens of experiences and conditioning, and that makes it almost impossible for people to see things in the exactly the same way. There may be similarities, likemindedness, perhaps similar conditioning, but there can not be two experiences exactly the same.
Shall we relinquish fact determination to the scientists? Their definition of fact is an observation that has been confirmed so many times that it is accepted as “true”. Scientists acknowledge however, that there will always be a level of uncertainty, nothing can be true without a shadow of a doubt.
Do beliefs turn into facts? Religion, ghosts, aliens, that our reality is just a simulation, are these just story, a direct experience for some, or a belief, but do they turn into fact? The evidence is usually found to back up a belief, and it therefore becomes fact, reality, the truth.
Do we limit our own experiences by accepting facts. Do we take less time to explore things and places because someone else has already labeled it and told us what to think about it?
What if we were to open our minds to the possibility of more than fact? What if there was less willingness to accept the”facts”, but instead to live experientially. Imagination, dreams, exploration into the unknown, unlimited possibility. Letting go of conditioning, and others beliefs and instead opening to wonder, magic, the mystical, presence, finding it all out for yourself, in your own way, in your own descriptive language. Imagine a life like that, anything is possible.